

News 15 Dec 2020
ASOIU holds International Scientific and Technical Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the university

On December 24-25 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University held the International Scientific and Technical conference on "Actual Problems of Chemical Engineering" dedicated to ASOIU.

The video conference held online was attended by local organizations, universities, research institutes, as well as our scientists and professors, university leaders from more than 10 countries and world-renowned scientists.

 At the International Scientific-Technical Conference, Professor Fariz Amirov, head of the Department of Technology of Organic Substances and High Molecular Compounds, Professor Sevinj Mammadkhanova, Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology (FCT) other participants spoke about the importance of the conference and the goals and innovations of modern chemistry, the actual problems and new development trends. It was also noted that holding such event on the eve of the 100th anniversary of ASOIU indicates that the university celebrates the 100th anniversary with great results.

Making a speech, Professor Fariz Amirov provided information to attendees about the conference. He noted that the main purpose of the conference is to communicate with local and foreign representatives of science, education and industry, exchange experiences, identify new relations and strengthen old ties, as well as to highlight the most perspective scientific directions in the modern stage of chemical engineering.

The video conference with about 250 participants was attended by 65 scientists and speakers from Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Spain, Great Britain, Germany, Poland and other countries. In total, about 300 materials were submitted to the conference. These materials, accepted in the form of articles and theses, will be published in prestigious local and international journals after appropriate research.

The two-day conference ended with interesting scientific discussions and reports.

