

News 05 Jan 2021
The meeting with the parent of the ASOIU's graduate who became martyr was held at the university

On January 5 ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli met with Arzu Mammadova, a mother of the graduate of the university Alihusein Mammadov who became a martyr of the Great Patriotic War.

 At the meeting attened by the university administration and teachers of our martyred student Alihusein Mammadov, the student life, battle path and heroism of our martyr were discussed.

At the meeting, Professor Mustafa Babanli noted that our victory within 44-day war against the military provocation of Armenia which began on September 27, was an indispensable event. He underlined that the students and graduates of ASOIU, as well as university staff took part in the battles for the liberation of our occupied lands.

Noting that Alihusein Mammadov also took an active part in the Great Patriotic War and rose to the peak of martyrdom, Rector Mustafa Babanli wished God's mercy to all our martyrs, and stressed that they will always live in our hearts and be an example for our teenagers and young people. He added that the dear memory of our heroes like Alihusein Mammadov will always be valued by our state and their parents and families will be under the attention and care.

Alihusein Mammadov's mother Arzu Mammadova said that she is proud of her son and stressed that her son's death for the sake of the motherland is a great consolation for her, no matter how hard it is. After sharing the memories of her brave son, she expressed her gratitude to the university administration for attention.

 Notably, in 2016 Alihusein Mammadov entered the ASOIU's Faculty of Power Engineering and studied on the specialty of thermal power engineering. After graduating from university in 2020, he went to active military service.

When the Patriotic war started, as a soldier he took an active part in the war. He heroically fought and became martyr on October 9, 2020 in the battles on the Fizuli-Jabrail-Khojavend direction.

For this bravery, Alihusein Mammadov was awarded the medals "For the Motherland" and "For the release of Fuzuli" by the order of the President.
