

News 07 Jan 2021
An online conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of ASOIU was held at the initiative of SSU


On January 7, online conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held at the initiative of Sumgait State University (SSU).The conference was attended by rectors and academic staff of both universities.

Opening the conference held online, Rector of SSU, Professor Elkhan Huseynov spoke about the spoke about the importance and high staff potential of ASOIU as an old higher education institution of Azerbaijan and congratulated the university staff, including Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, on occasion of the 100th anniversary of the university.

Making a speech at the conference, ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli noted that the 100th anniversary of ASOIU was celebrated at the national level, taking into account the commendable services of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in the formation of highly qualified professional staff in the country. He expressed his gratitude the administration and staff of SSU for the initiative to organize a joint event dedicated to the anniversary. Rector M.Babanli also praised the awarding honorary titles to the academic staff by the President Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the university as a high attention paid to ASOIU and thanked the President for his attention and care. During his speech, he also underlined the recent significant changes in the educational process, scientific work, international cooperation and other areas at ASOIU.

Making a speech, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control of ASOIU, Associate Professor Samad Yusifov spoke about the ASOIU's historical development path to become a leading higher education institution, the role of the staff trained at the university in the development of the country's oil industry, as well as measures taken in recent years to improve the quality of education.

Later on, speaking about the history of ASOIU, well-known graduates and the special role of the university in the oil industry of Azerbaijan, the academic staff of SSU congratulated the academic staff, students and graduates of the university on occasion of the 100th anniversary.

