

News 22 Jan 2021
ASOIU announces the initial results of the IX Alumni-Career Exhibition

Initial results of the IX Alumni-Career Exhibition held online on January 22 at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) have been announced. ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli said that despite the quarantine regime in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, works are carried out in order to develop cooperation between the university and partner agencies - ministries and agencies, public and private companies. Noting that 235 vacancies were offered by 57 companies at the last exhibition, Rector M.Babanli expressed his satisfaction with the fact that the interviews for 2194 CVs sent by ASOIU students and graduates have been held and there are students and graduates who have already been employed.

Making a speech at the meeting held online, representatives of the Azerbaijan Food Safety Agency (AFSA), AzerGold CJSC, Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, AzerEnergy OJSC, Azerishig OJSC, "Baku Maintenance Service" LLC and other organizations noted that the selection and interview according the CVs for the vacancies they have submitted has already begun. It was noted that 2 people were hired to AFSA, 10 ASOIU graduates were hired to "Azerenergy" OJSC, and 12 people were involved in internships for permanent employment. Interviews of ASOIU graduates who have sent CVs to 46 vacancies offered by "Baku Maintenance Service" LLC are currently underway. In total, thanks to the IX Alumni-Career Exhibition, dozens of ASOIU graduates have been provided with jobs. At the end of the online meeting, ASOIU's Rector, Professor M.Babanli expressed his gratitude to all companies and organizations attended the IX Alumni-Career Exhibition and wished success to students and graduates.

Notably, at the IX Alumni-Career Exhibition, students and graduates entered the site through the link career.asoiu.edu.az, got acquainted with the vacancies, selected the relevant company and position and sent their CVs. The web site operates on a permanent basis, and the information on vacancies of enterprises and organizations cooperates with ASOIU is regularly added to the site.
