

News 27 Jan 2021
ASOIU holds the next meeting of Academic Board

The next meeting of Academic Board of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held on January 27. ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli first spoke about the latest situation on the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the statistics of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. He noted that teaching at ASOIU is carried out at a high level in the current situation. Speaking about ASOIU's short, medium and long-term development strategy for 2021-2030, Rector Mustafa Babanli provided information on the development of the university's scientific activity in all directions during this period. Noting that ASOIU as a research university has a great mission, he provided information to the members of Academic Board on the work to be done in this direction. After analyzing some issues and statistics related to the winter exam session of ASOIU for the 2020-2021 academic year, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov provided information about the assessment of students in the spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. Dean of the Master’s Degree Division, Associate Professor Azizagha Gurbanov provided information on the condition of the Master’s degree training at ASOIU, head of the ASOIU's Ph.D., Office Professor Latafat Gardashova on the innovations to be applied at the doctoral level of higher education, assistant Elviz Ismayilov on the Startup and Innovation Center, as well as the annual report of the Faculty of Power Engineering has been approved.

At the meeting of Academic Board Professor Mustafa Babanli underlined that the additional salaries to be paid to 53 academic staff of ASOIU are higher than last year. He noted that the mechanism for evaluating the scientific performance of our collaborators has been significantly improved, and scientific results are high. It was noted that according to the established criteria, the minimum additional salary is minimum 189, maximum 1,120 manat.

In accordance with the agenda, Ata Babayev, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, made a preliminary report on the making donations for "YASHAT" foundation on behalf of ASOIU and care for the families of our veterans and graduates became martyrs in the Great Patriotic War.

Later, the exchange of views was made on other issues on the agenda, Professor Mustafa Babanli provided task and recommendations on the work to be done.
