

News 01 Feb 2021
ASOIU's 5 teachers have successfully completed the trainings of "Cisco Networking Academy"


According to the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and "CISCO" on August 18, 2020, 5 teachers of the Department of Computer Engineering (Associate Professor Hajiyev Yashar, ass. Mammadov Kanan, ass. Nifdalizadeh Fakhri, ass. Ahmadova Asmat) have completed the training on IT Essentials course of "Cisco Networking Academy".Participants who completed the course were awarded diplomas and as a result, had the opportunity to conduct training for a student audience based on the teaching materials of the Cisco Networking Academy.

According to the memorandum between ASOIU and Cisco, the basics of information technology, programming languages, internet of things, linux operating system and other relevant courses are intended to be applied to the education program of the university. In addition, according to the memorandum, in the future it is planned to increase the level of knowledge of both teachers and students, to master other training courses in order to train them as specialists:

  • Python
  • CyberSecurity
  • Introduction to IoT
  • Linux
  • CCNA and CCNP






