

News 03 Feb 2021
ASOIU employee has been awarded on the occasion of Youth Day

February 2 is the Day of Azerbaijani Youth. Every year on this calendar day, a series of events are held in the country. Also, the activities of young people, their role in governance and development of the country, as well as the conditions created for young people in Azerbaijan and other similar issues are the main topic of the day.

On February 2 Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations' Union traditionally held an event on this occasion. Several young people have been awarded at the event held online. One of those awarded on the occasion of Youth Day is Mugaddas Azizzade, chairman of the Student Youth Organizations of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). As a young man, M. Azizzade took advantage of the conditions created for young people in our country and fulfilled his responsibilities. Also, he could contribute to the formation and development of young people at the university.

