

News 03 Feb 2021
ASOIU joins the European Union's "WORK4ACE" project

An online kick-off meeting of "WORK4ACE" project funded by the European Union with the membership of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held on February 2.

The meeting was attended by ASOIU's Vice-Rector for International Relations, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov, Ulviya Abbasova, deputy vice-rector for International Relations Ulviya Abbasova and Leyla Nagiyeva, Coordinator for International Projects Leyla Nagiyeva.

At the meeting other international participants of the project also made a speech, exchanged views on the project, discussed the commitments of the participants and further necessary steps.

Notably, the member countries of the Work4CE project are Germany, Belgium, Spain, Ukraine and Azerbaijan. The main purpose of the project is to develop new forms of university-enterprise cooperation in the digital age in order to improve the employment of students and graduates. Another goal of the project is to develop new business-related opportunities for digital transformation management through the application of a successful collaborative production approach by lecturers, industry professionals and members of professional associations. This approach aims to remove the gap between universities and industry in partner countries.
