

News 05 Feb 2021
ASOIU's Public Reliance Council observes examination process online

On February 5, the Public Reliance Council of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) observed examination proces online. Members of the Public Reliance Council - Aydin Mirzazade, Hikmet Babaoglu, Narmina Aliyeva, Mazahir Babayev, Bahruz Nazarov visited the auditoriums where the online exams are held and got acquainted with the conditions created for the teachers and students to prepare the exams, as well as the online exam process.

MPs (members of the Public Reliance Council) A. Mirzazade and H. Babaoglu shared their views after observing the online exams at ASOIU. They highly appreciated the conditions created for online exams, the control over the examination process, as well as the preparation of teachers and students for online exams.

Teachers also expressed their contentment with the progress of the exams and the preparation of students, and noted that there was no any problem during the exams.

Later, the members of the Public Reliance Council met with the ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli. Rector M.Babanli provided information to the members of the Public Reliance Council about the work done in order to conduct online exams at ASOIU.
