

News 12 Feb 2021
ASOIU starts vaccination of its employees over 65 against Covid-19

      Within the framework of vaccination measures carried out in our country to prevent the coronavirus pandemic, employees of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) over the age of 65 are planned to be vaccinated against COVID-19 infection.

     Employees in this category can register on randevu.its.gov.az or in the registration department of the polyclinic in the area. Registered employees will be notified of the date and time of vaccination. The university has 258 employees in total and 200 professors and teachers are in this category.

     Recall that vaccination is carried out at the expense of the state, however, in order to reduce the potential risks, those who will be vaccinated should give antibody test at any clinic. Those who meet the test results should be vaccinated and then a certificate should be submitted to the university.

     Notably, vaccination against coronavirus started in Azerbaijan on January 18. The second phase of vaccination started on February 8.




