

News 02 Mar 2021
The entrance exam for doctoral studies at ASOIU has been held at a high level

On March 2, the entrance exam for PhD program was held at ASOIU. 67 registered candidates out of 69 from 3 higher education institutions (Azerbaijan Technical University, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction) along with ASOIU attended the exam. Four of them passed, while others failed the exam.The results were evaluated by the commission consisting of 7 people. During the exam, the Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli came to the auditorium where the exam was held, gave recommendations to future scientists and wished success to each of them.

All conditions for the exam have been created at the university.As the exam coincided with the period of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, preventive disinfection measures were carried out. The examination process was carried out taking into account all the necessary instructions to prevent the spread of the disease. Medical masks and disinfectants were used and a social distancing was kept between the participants.

Notably, the entrance exam for doctoral studies in philosophy will be held the next day - March 3. According to the relevant order of the Ministry of Education, this time 75 candidates who registered at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Sumgayit State University and Baku Engineering University and successfully passed the first stage of the doctoral entrance exam (scoring more than 25 in a foreign language) will take the exam in philosophy.
