

News 06 Mar 2021
125 applicants from 6 universities attended the entrance exam for doctoral studies at ASOIU

A two-day entrance exam for doctoral studies at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) has successfully completed. According to the relevant order of the Ministry of Education, 142 applicants from 5 higher education institutions - Azerbaijan Technical University, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Azerbaijan State Economic University, Sumgayit State University and Baku Engineering University were registered in the exam on philosophy and 125 out of them took exam.

The results of the exam, conducted in a transparent environment, were evaluated by a commission of 7 people. Thus, the knowledge of 4 applicants out of 125 was assessed as unacceptable, and the knowledge of 121 applicants was assessed as acceptable.

Notably, as the exam coincided with the period of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic,the  preventive disinfection measures were carried out. The examination process was carried out taking into account all the necessary instructions to prevent the spread of the disease. Medical masks and disinfectants were used and the social distance has been expected among the participants.
