

News 31 Mar 2021
ASOIU holds the next online meeting of Academic Board

On March 31 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held the next online meeting of the Academic Board. Greeting the members of the Academic Board, ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about March 31 - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis, and the memory of the victims of the genocide was commemorated with a minute of silence.

Speaking about the processes taking place in the world and in our country in the context of the coronavirus pandemic and the statistics of the pandemic, Rector, Professor M. Babanli emphasized the importance of measures taken to prevent the spread of the epidemic and the promotion of vaccination. He underlined that the works are carried out in this direction in accordance with the requirements of the day at ASOIU.

Speaking about the events to be carried out at ASOIU during the spring semester of the 2020/2021 academic year in accordance with the agenda, Professor M.Babanli noted that tghe condition has been created for the 4-year students to be involved in practical internship and acquire practical skills in laboratories.

Rector M.Babanli provided information about the short, medium and long-term development strategy of ASOIU for 2021-2030, expressed hope that the existing problems in the development of ASOIU's achievements as a research university will be resolved within a year. He also noted that multidisciplinary laboratories and a dormitory will be opened for students, a mineralogy museum and a library will be expanded. Speaking about the development of the IT field at the university, Rector M.Babanli noted that work is being done to realize the potential of the HPC center by involving foreign professors.

At the meeting of the Academic Board the head of the Ph.D. Office, Professor Latafat Gardashova provided information on " The results of admission to doctoral studies in the 2020/2021 academic year", Professor Gahraman Hasanov on "The results of scientific research conducted in 2020", Director of the Analytical Center for Science and Education, Associate Professor Ziya Aliyev on " The schedule of activities reflecting the results of scientific research".

Touching upon other issues on the agenda of the Academic Board, Rector M.Babanli stressed the importance of high-level implementation of all work to be done at ASOIU, gave recommendations and instructions on the issues discussed.



