

News 13 Apr 2021
UFAZ holds Virtual Open Day dedicated to the Master's Degree Programs

On April 13 Azerbaijan-French University (UFAZ) functioning under the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held Virtual Open Day dedicated to the Master's Degree Programs.

Greeting the participants at the online meeting, UFAZ Executive Director Vazeh Askarov provided comprehensive information on master's degree programs, exams and registration process at UFAZ. Noting that the admission to the master's program of UFAZ for 2021/2022 was held from March 5 to April 18, V.Askarov underlined that the entrance exam will be held on April 22. Providing information on master's degree programs, V. Askarov noted that all necessary measures are being taken in order to conduct the exams in 3 specialties, which will be held within 150 minutes.

Later, UFAZ Secretary General Elizaveta Bydanova made a presentation on the structure, partners of UFAZ and education at UFAZ. Noting that samples of questions on master's degree programs have been posted on the official website of UFAZ, E. Bydanova highly appreciated the interest of young people in UFAZ and wished everyone success in the entrance exam.

At the end of the meeting the attendees received answer to their questions.
