

News 13 Apr 2021
ASOIU and Unibank discuss expanding cooperation in the field of students' internship and career planning

On April 13 a cooperation meeting was held between Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and Unibank. Greeting the attendees at the online meeting, Bahruz Nazarov, the Public Relations and Marketing Department of ASOIU noted the importance of cooperation with enterprises and organizations in training students as highly qualified personnel. Speaking about the existing cooperation between ASOIU and Unibank, B.Nazarov also stressed that there is great potential for the development of bilateral relations. He highlighted that ASOIU also conducts staff training required for the country's banking sector, the teaching in faculties of Economics and Management, Information Technology and Control, as well as the university's MBA programs in is carried out accordance with the requirements of the labor market. Noting that special attention is paid to the effective organization of the practical internship and the activities of the Alumni Career Center at ASOIU, the director of the department emphasized that the wide participation of university students in internship programs is ensured, hundreds of students are provided with jobs every year thanks to the Alumni-Career Exhibitions held twice a year. 

Victoria Huseynova, Head of Organizational Development Division of Unibank and Gunay Hasanova, Specialist of the Department, spoke about the cooperation with ASOIU and provided comprehensive information about the upcoming issues and future projects. Also, it was suggested to organize internship programs and information sessions in online format. Noting that they will attend ASOIU's 10th Alumni-Career Exhibition to be held on May 25, Unibank representatives expressed their interest in close cooperation with the university on some projects.
