

News 15 Apr 2021
Vaccination of ASOIU' and other university employees to start at the ASOIU's polyclinic

67% of employees of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) over the age of 40 have been vaccinated against coronavirus infection. Since April 12, the process of vaccination of all employees, regardless of age has been started.Starting next week vaccination will be carried out at the ASOIU polyclinic in order to speed up the vaccination process of employees. It is planned to complete the vaccination of ASOIU employees in May. After the completion of vaccination of ASOIU employees, the employees of other universities will be vaccinated at the university polyclinic. In this regard works have already been started, the polyclinic has been inspected, the required equipment is being supplied, the lists of employees of ASOIU and other universities to be involved in vaccination are being prepared and completed. After the completion of vaccination of university staff, ASOIU's students will be vaccinated in June.
