

News 16 Apr 2021
ASOIU holds an info session on the importance of vaccination against coronavirus

On April 16 the online info session the importance of vaccination against coronavirus infection was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

In the info session Samir Javadov, the head of the educational department of Azerbaijan Medical University, PhD in medical sciences made a speech and provided information to the teachers and students on the importance of vaccination in the fight against coronavirus infection, the role of the vaccination process in the formation of mass immunity against infection and the return to normal life. Speaking about the importance of vaccination, Javadov noted that thanks to the vaccination the mortality rate reduces by 90% and underlined that the misinformation caused existing vaccinophobia.

Speaking about the statistics of vaccination in the country Jalal Isayev, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Medical University stressed that 450,000 people have been vaccinated in the second phase. He also noted that the number of coronavirus cases in our country is low compared to other countries.

At the end, the attendees received answer to their questions coronavirus and vaccination, and exchange of views was held.

Recall that, the event was held in order to promote the importance of vaccination against coronavirus infection among academic staff and students of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, as well as the Azerbaijan-French University (UFAZ) functioning under ASOIU.

Notably, Dr. S. Javadov is the head of the educational department of Azerbaijan Medical University a member of the American Society of Microbiologists and the country representative of that society in Azerbaijan (ASM Country Ambassador to Azerbaijan). He has been an expert in microbiology subject in residency section of the State Examination Center since 2010.
