

News 20 Apr 2021
ASOIU holds an info session on "Diverse economic potential of Azerbaijani territories liberated from Armenian occupation"

On April 20, the info session on "Diverse economic potential of Azerbaijani territories liberated from Armenian occupation" was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

In his opening speech, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev spoke about the main aspects of the ecological and economic development of our liberated territories and underlined that this area is now a priority.

Speaking about the importance of the historical victory of Azerbaijan and the factors that led to the victory, ASOIU's Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences Jamal Mustafayev glanced at the historical events. J. Mustafayev noted that despite the end of the war, we have a lot of construction work ahead.

Calling Karabakh Hiroshima and Nagasaki of the 21st century, PhD. in Economics, Associate Professor Zaur Asadov noted that an economic assessment of the looted natural resources in the occupied territories is carried out. Z.Asadov brought to attention that more than 2.2 billion manat has been allocated for the reconstruction of infrastructure in these areas, and stressed that the works on the restoration of the territories are being carried out at full speed.

Later on, ASOIU's Associate Professor, PhD. in Economics Ilham Rustamov, Associate Professor Elbrus Ahmadov, candidate of technical sciences Zarifa Efendiyeva spoke about the economic and energy potential of the liberated territories, as well as possible economic opportunities. Exchange of views were made on the importance of creating a smart agriculture in these areas, bringing back the residents, the restoration of thermal waters, establishment of eco-tourism and business. It was also noted that power engineering specialists in these areas are responsible for the restoration and re-study and development of more than 100 mineral deposits.

At the end of the meeting, the attendees received answer to their questions.

