

News 21 Apr 2021
ASOIU holds discussion on cooperation issues with “Yelo Bank”

On April 21 a working meeting was held betweeen Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and “Yelo Bank”.

The meeting held online was attended by Bahruz Nazarov, Director of the Public Relations and Marketing Department (PRMD) of ASOIU, Aytaj Allahverdiyeva, Internal Communications Manager, as well as Aygun Maharramova-Kazimova, Chief Specialist of Recruitment and Staff planning division at Yelo Bank, and Kamala Eynullayeva, Manager of the Recruitment Department.

At the meeting that featured discussion on the development of cooperation between ASOIU and "Yelo Bank", B. Nazarov provided comprehensive information on the specialties at ASOIU, the Alumni-Career Center, as well as practical internship. Noting that ASOIU has partnership with a number of banks, B.Nazarov expressed hope that cooperation with “Yelo Bank” will yield positive results.

Aygun Maharramova, Chief Specialist of Recruitment and Staff planning division at "Yelo Bank"noted that they are interested in cooperation with ASOIU. Maharramova-Kazimova provided comprehensive information about the summer school and mentoring programs that will develop relations with the university and provide students with new internship opportunities.
