

News 22 Apr 2021
UFAZ holds the entrance exam for the master's degree program

On April 22  the Azerbaijan-French University (UFAZ) functioning under the Azerbaijan State Oil and İndustry University (ASOIU) held the next entrance exam for the master's degree program for the 2020/2021 academic year.

In total 123 students from different universities have been registered and their candidacies have been approved in the second master's degree exam. 53 of the applicants are UFAZ students, and the other 70 are graduates of various universities in Azerbaijan.

İmtahan Koronavirus (Covid-19) pandemiyası dövründə xəstəliyin yayılmasının qarşısının alınması məqsədi ilə Təhsil Nazirliyi tərəfindən müəyyən edilmiş bütün zəruri göstərişlər nəzərə alınaraq keçirilib. Belə ki, tələbələr maskada, gigiyena qaydaları və sosial məsafə gözləbilərək, eləcə də hərarətləri ölçülərək UFAZ-a daxil olublar. İmtahan otaqlarında tələbələrin yerləşməsi də sosial məsafə gözlənilərək təmin olunub.

150 dəqiqə davam edən imtahanda tələbələr 3 ixtisas (Kimya Mühəndisliyi/ Fiziki Kimya, Tətbiqi Kompüter Elmləri (Big Data və Süni Zəka) və Yer Elmləri ixtisasları) üzrə ingilis dilində verilən sualları cavablandırıblar.

Preliminary results of the exam will be announced on April 27.

Students who are not satisfied with the results of the exam can appeal on April 30. Accepted applicants can confirm their candidacy on May 5. The applicants who do not study in English (Azerbaijan and Russian sectors) are required IELTS with 6.5 points and TOEFL with 80 points. The applicants who are not be able to submit the English language certificate will be conditionally accepted if they pass the exam successfully and will be able to submit their results by June.

Notably, students who obtained more than 50 points during the examination organized by the State Examination Center (SEC), had the right to apply for UFAZ Master’s Degree Programs. Applicants who take the UFAZ entrance exam and that are not selected will still have the possibility to apply to other higher educational institutions in Azerbaijan.

Also, those who pass the second chance exam for a master's degree program organized by the State Examination Center (SEC) can re-apply in June.

Recall that in total 80 places have been allocated for the master's degree program at UFAZ, and all places are on governmental basis free. UFAZ's master students will receive two state diplomas. Thus, students will be able to receive a diploma of ASOIU as well as the University of Strasbourg, one of the most prestigious universities in France without going abroad. The master's degree program will be conducted by an international academic staff of highly qualified French and Azerbaijani teachers adapted to the French education system.
