

News 23 Apr 2021
ASOIU holds the next "Focus Group Discussion" within the framework of “UniLab” project

On April 23 the next “Focus Group Discussion” within the framework of the “UniLab” was held with the partner companies of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The online discussion attended by the heads and employees of more than 10 state and private enterprises cooperating with ASOIU as “Azergold” CJSC, CBM Engineering,  “Azerbaijan Railways” CJSC, AzinTelecom, Ders Evi,  “Omur” Hospital, “Azerenergy” OJSC, “Biological Medicine” clinic. The meeting featured discussion on the analysis of relations between the university and enterprises, effective organization of practical internship of students and graduates, at the same time the issues as creation of a single platform in the staff training in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.

Opening the conference, Shahin Goyushov, Head of Practical Internship Division of the Public Relations and Marketing Department at ASOIU spoke about the process of students' internship and touched upon the importance of expanding existing ties with enterprises.

Leyla Nagiyeva, Project Coordinator of International Cooperation Office, provided information to the partner companies on "Unilab" project about the purpose of the meeting and the issues to be discussed.

Later on, a group discussion was held among the project participants about the issues on the agenda. Making a speech, representatives and heads of partner companies spoke about the importance of a thorough analysis of the current situation. The meeting also featured discussion on the issues regarding agreed work within the framework of cooperation, especially the employment of students in career centers, the systematization and effective organization of the internship process to eliminate existing shortcomings, the review of the SWOT research panel in university-enterprise cooperation.

Notably, within the framework of the "Erasmus + KA2" program funded by European Union (EU) ASOIU has joined Unilab project "Market in the 21st Century: A Step Forward in Work-based Placements" on January 1, 2020. The main goal of the UniLab (University - Labor Market) project is to contribute to the modernization of the higher education sector in three partner countries - Azerbaijan, Belarus and Russia.
