

News 27 Apr 2021
ASOIU discusses the difficulties faced by students during the internship process

On April 26 the meeting with students within the framework of "Unilab" project was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). Making a speech at the meeting held online  Ulviya Abbasova, ASOIU's deputy Vice-Rector for International Relations greeted the attendees and provided information on the purpose of the meeting and the issues to be discussed.

Leyla Nagiyeva, ASOIU's Project Coordinator of International Cooperation Office provided comprehensive information to the students on "Unilab" project. She underlined that within the framework of the project, special attention is paid to the activities of students in the practical internship.

Shahin Goyushov, Head of Practical Internship Division of the Public Relations and Marketing Department at ASOIU spoke about the students' internship and the difficulties faced by students during the internship.  

Later,  the internship supervisors and 4th year students spoke about their activities during the practical internship within the pandemic. The meeting also featured the discussion on the main difficulties of students involved in internships at enterprises, the importance of the unity of theoretical and practical base, as well as expanding opportunities for cooperation with enterprises, and it was emphasized  how important role plays the unity of enterprises and universities in this process.

At the end of the meeting, students received answer to their questions  regarding the project.
