

News 19 May 2021
AzII E-Book House holds the presentation of new publications included in the base

On May 19 the presentation of new publications included in the base of the AzII E-Book House was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The event held online was broadcast live on the university's official Facebook page.

Makin a speech, Salahat Mahmudova, Director of AzII E-Book House, provided information to the attendees on the new books included in the base. She noted that today's online event is dedicated to the presentation of 330 copies of the new books in 4 titles presented by BP, one of the leading oil companies. In total, about 1,400 books in 13 titles  have been included in the base of the AzII E-Book House by BP Azerbaijan. The exhibitions of those books have been organized and readers have been provided information about each of these books.

Making a speech at the event, ASOIU's professors - Latafat Gardashova and Gazanfar Suleymanov spoke about the importance of new books and stressed that such publications are important copies for readers, especially ASOIU's students. During the speech, student Narmina Mammadova expressed satisfaction with the conditions created for them to receive high-quality education and underlined that she will also be able to benefit from the new publications in the book house.

Notably, the books included in the base of the library are "Fundamentals of Marketing", "Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets", "Qualitative research methods in the social sciences" and "Mass communication media". The translation of books into Azerbaijani and publication carried out by BP. S. Mahmudova noted that the books are mainly for students and teachers, as well as a wide audience specialized in economic theories and policies.  The books with high quality and graceful design have been published by TEAS PRESS publishing house, which has a special place in the modern publishing industry. The books have included in the system of the book house and any reader who registers electronically can use the books.
