

News 21 May 2021
ASOIU holds II Scientific-Practical Seminar dedicated to the World Metrology Day

On May 20 the Second Scientific-Practical Seminar dedicated to the World Metrology Day with the organization of the Department of "Instrument Engineering" of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The meeting held online was attended by the representatives of companies operating in the field of Metrology, standardization and certification, as well as academic staff, graduates and students. Opening the seminar, Professor Lala Bakhirova, head of the Department of "Instrument Engineering", Ph.D in technical sciences, spoke about the work carried out at the department in the field of metrology and metrological support and its importance. Speaking about the cooperation with local and international enterprises operating in the country, the department's future plans, L. Bakhirova also spoke about the great interest in this field and the establishment of modern educational-industrial relations by involving specialists from foreign enterprises.

 Later, the organizer of the conference, Ph.D in technical sciences, Associate Professor Arzu Ibrahimova congratulated everyone on May 20 - World Metrology Day and provided information on the history of metrological support, the work carried out in this direction at the local and international levels, as well as future perspectives.

In his speech, Professor of the Azerbaijan Technical University (ATU) Elchin Iskanderzadeh noted that there is a close relationship between the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and ATU in the field of metrology and metrological support.

Then, Zulfugar Nurubeyli, Director of CBM Engineering LLC, Sevinj Abiyeva, Parviz Guliyev, Elshan Fataliyev, Vugar Mammadli, Alakbar Karimov, SOCAR employees working in responsible positions on metrology in various scientific research institutes and enterprises, Asif Mustafayev, BP-Equipment Control Specialist, Aga Mammadov, head of the OGPU, IPA named after A. Amirov, Kamil Hasanov deputy chief metrologist of the Metrological Service at Azerbaijan Airlines CJSC and other honorary guests congratulated everyone, talked about the plans implemented in this direction and provided information to the seminar attendees on the future perspectives of the specialty.

Later, Elmin Bagishov head of the Department of "Standardization and Metrology Department of "MKT Production Commercial" LLC provided information to the seminar attendees on the uncertainty in metrology, spoke about the work carried out in this direction and the solution of existing problems on the basis of uncertainty.

At the end, exchanged views were made on the role of metrology in science and technology, its importance in enterprises, possible problems and perspectives in this direction.
