

News 24 May 2021
ASOIU becomes co-founder of the Alliance established in PRC

The Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) has become a co-founder of the Alliance of industrial enterprises, universities and research organizations of the Silk Road in the field of energy education, science and technology.

On May 12 within the framework of the 5th International Silk Road Exhibition the founding conference of the Alliance at the initiative of Xi'an Petroleum University was held in the city Xi'an of Shaanxi Province of the People's Republic of China. At this event ASOIU has been represented by Ph.D.  Lee Renying, official representative of the university in China.

Notably, a letter of invitation has been sent to the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Professor Mustafa Babanli in order to become a co-founder of the new organization and attend the conference. The letter also noted the special role of ASOIU as the world's oldest oil and gas university in the training of highly qualified personnel, development of advanced technologies and implementation of important technical solutions for many countries around the world.

The signing ceremony and  a round table entitled "One Belt One Road" Energy Program was attended by the representatives of more than 50 relevant government agencies, organizations and educational institutions. Along with ASOIU, Xi'an Petroleum University (President - Professor Li Tiantai) and Northeastern Petroleum University of China (President - Professor Jiang Minghu) have been appointed as co-founders of the new organization.

It should be noted that the choice of venue for the conference was not by chance: the ancient city of Xi'an is an important political and cultural center of China and the starting point of the Silk Road.

The establishment of the Alliance will be a platform for future cooperation and exchange for the integration of science, technology and energy education between China and the countries attending the "One Belt One Road" program.
