

News 24 May 2021
ASOIU holds an online video conference on "Let's fight against drug addiction and bad habits together"

On May 24 the online video conference on "Let's fight against drug addiction and bad habits together" was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

The video conference was attended by the ASOIU'a academic staff, Parvin Abbasova, a narcologist at the Baku Narcological Center, Khuraman Kazimova, Chief Physician in Polyclinic No. 2 at ASOIU.

The event focused on the danger of drugs for people's life, its harms and methods of struggle. It was noted that currently the number of registered drug addicts are 32,000-34,000 in Azerbaijan.Therefore, it is our duty to protect adolescents and young people from bad habits, to ensure that they are healthy and educated.

During the event, it was stressed that along with the training of students at ASOIU and instilling a sense of national patriotism, special attention is paid to the health of young people.
