

News 27 May 2021
ASOIU expands cooperation with Science and Technology Center in Ukraine

The first online meeting between the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) representatives towards implementing a Master´s Program on Export Control was held on May 21.

ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli and its Deputy staffs, with Dr Maria Espona (Project Manager of the STCU Targeted Initiative (TI) CBRN Export Control on Dual-Use Materials and Intangible Technologies in GUAM Countries) and Azerbaijan Regional Officer of STCU, Dr. Gulam Babayev discussed the steps and procedures towards launching a new Master’s Course Program on Export Control at ASOIU.

 The meeting featured discussion on the procedures in the educational process, as well as issues such as student certification, permitting, student admission. The meeting participants agreed that the program would consist of several modules, such as introductory and substantive modules and seminars. In addition, the Master Course will include the core concepts of export control, including the basic knowledge about CBRN weapons, dual-use materials, the international treaties, regulatory frameworks, science and technology transfers, threats and risks assessment, among the more relevant ones.

Notably, Master course was designed in the framework of the above mentioned STCU TI, financed by the EU and graduates from university will become experts on issues related to raising awareness of CBRN threats and contribute to the development and improvement of their national export control systems, helping to achieve the primary goal of combating the proliferation of weapon of mass destruction.
