

News 27 May 2021
ASOIU opens "Kapital Bank room"


On May 27 a new auditorium - "Kapital Bank Room" has been opened at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

In the auditorium renewed by the bank and equipped with the necessary equipment by ASOIU, along with academic staff of the university, Kapital Bank specialists will provide students with lectures and trainings.

The presentation was attended by ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Emin Mammadov, member of the Board of Directors at Kapital Bank, Chief Financial Officer, Fargana Mammadova, Director of Human Resources Management, several university collaborators and other guests.

Making a speech at the meeting, ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about the existing cooperation with Kapital Bank and noted that cooperation with the bank will have a positive impact on students' training. Rector M.Babanli stressed that without the cooperation of universities with enterprises and organizations it is difficult to imagine the training of highly qualified personnel meeting the requirements of the modern labor market. He noted that our cooperation and the auditorium we opened today indicate the establishment of a wide and useful business relationship.

Emin Mammadov, member of the Board of Directors at Kapital Bank, Chief Financial Officer underlined that cooperation with ASOIU will be beneficial for both the bank and the university. Expressing confidence that the lectures and trainings to be held at the Kapital Bank Room between the bank's employees and students will make a positive contribution to staff training, E.Mammadov emphasized that internship programs and individual development projects for ASOIU students will be organized in the future.

Making a speech at the event, Fargana Mammadova, Director of Human Resource Management Department at Kapital Bank, Ilham Rustamov, ASOIU's Associate Professor spoke about the benefits of university-bank cooperation and the future success of students who will study in this auditorium.

Making a speech at the opening ceromony, the employees of the Kapital Bank Zakir Khanmammadov and Fazil Mehdiyev, ASOIU's graduates, Hasan Mustafayev, 4th-year student of the university expressed their gratitude to the university administration and Kapital Bank for the conditions created for them.

