

News 06 May 2021
ASOIU holds closing meeting of the Scientific Conference dedicated to the 98th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev

On May 24 the closing meeting of the Scientific Conference of Young Researchers and Doctoral Students (dissertators) dedicated to the 98th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The online conference held on May 21-22 was attended by the academic staff of the ASOIU's 7 faculties, master's and doctoral students, as well as young researchers of UNEC, ASPU, AMU, Republican Seismic Survey Center of ANAS, Institute of Geophysics and Geology, Azerbaijan State Scientific-Research Institute Of Labor Protection and Technical Safety, Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS. During the two-day conference, 150 out of 176 selected reports were listened at the meetings held on 8 sections.

At the closing meeting of the conference, the heads of departments - Professor Yunis Gahramanli, Associate Professor Durdana Shiriniova, Associate Professor Maral Aliyeva, Associate Professor Gulgaz Ismayilova, Associate Professor Ramiz Ismayilov, Associate Professor Yashar Hajiyev, Professor Alasgar Aliyev and Professor Ganimat Safarov made a report and provided comprehensive information about the reports.

Making a speech at the meeting, ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli noted that he observed the course of conference and expressed  his comments and suggestions on the topics discussed in the sections. Noting that the conference featured the discussion on the results obtained by young researchers during the year, Rector M.Babanli brought to the attention of the organizers the importance to give priority to quality and to accept reports at the next conferences after hearing and serious examination at the departments, faculties, doctoral seminars. He emphasized the importance of such discussions for the development of science and the training of young researchers, and expressed his gratitude to everyone who contributed to the conference.

ASOIU's Professor Latafat Gardashova on behalf of the researchers expressed her gratitude to the university administration for the favorable conditions created for doctoral students in order to engage in scientific activities, as well as Associate Professors Rana Ismayilova, Nargiz Askerova, Sugra Avazova, collaborators of IT department Elnur Safarli, Salman Salmanov,  chairman of SSS Elviz Ismayilov, as well as the responsible persons of the departments - Kamala Abdullayeva, Ziver Farzalizade, Fakhri Nifdalizade, Aytaj Aliyeva and Mehriban Imranova.

She noted that next week a meeting with the participation of the university administration to be held on the results of the examination conducted by the heads of departments in connection with the preparation of reports for publication, the most worthy reports will be published in the materials of the prestigious conference dedicated to the 98th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev.




