

News 01 Jun 2021
ASOIU's Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli receives Vali Israfilov, a student of the university, our Paralympic champion

On June 1 the Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with Vali Israfilov, the student of the university, athlete who won a gold medal at the European Championship.

Our Paralympic champion Vali Israfilov won a gold medal at the World Para Swimming European Championships, Madeira, Portugal on the 19th of last month. He surpassed all his competitors in the 100-meter breaststroke with a result of 1minut and 4 seconds. Thus, Vali won a license for the "Tokyo-2020" Summer Paralympic Games.

During the meeting, Rector Mustafa Babanli congratulated Vali Israfilov on his achievements in sports. He underlined that today we are very pleased with the success of our student in international competitions, waving our flag in the tribunes. As a university, we stand by our youths who are successful not only in science and education, but in every field, and we are ready to support them. Wishing success to the young Paralympic champion in his future education and sports career, Rector Mustafa Babanli presented a gift to V. Israfilov.

Student-athlete V. Israfilov expressed his gratitude to Professor Mustafa Babanli and his teachers for acceptance, as well as for their valuable recommendations and special attention. He stressed that this meeting was a special motivation for him to achieve his next goal.

Notably, Vali Israfilov was a member of the Children's Paralympic movement and began his professional career there. So far, he was winner and participant of the several international and local sports competitions.
