

News 02 Jun 2021
ASOIU holds III Scientific-Practical Seminar

On May 31 the 3rd International Scientific-Practical Seminar on biomedical engineering titled "Modern medical diagnostic devices and apparatus" was held with the organization of the ASOIU's Department of Instrument Engineering and Franche-Comte University of France. The online seminar was attended by representatives and speakers from Turkey, Poland, Macedonia, France and Estonia.

Opening the seminar, head of the department, Doctor of Technical Sciences Lala Bakirova greeted the participants and informed them about the importance of MMSC I-II International Scientific-Practical Conferences and seminars held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of ASOIU.

Dr. Aydin Aliyev, Head of the Radiation Diagnostics Department of the Azerbaijan Medical University's Educational Therapeutic Clinic, made a speech at the seminar on the "Physical basis of radiology, types of X-ray machines" and "The structure of the modern X-ray tube". A.Aliyev also answered questions about the structure and working principle of the X-ray tube, the parameters of the device, as well as its effect on the human body and the acquisition of images, the analysis of these images.

Guliyeva Gulnar, chief physician of the Bioloji Tebabet Clinic, therapist-osteopath made a speech on "Integrative Medicine" at the seminar. Rufat Sadigov, Chief Engineer of AzeriMed Closed Joint-Stock Company, made a report dedicated to the heart and lung machines.

The speech of Ravan Gambarov, a graduate and master of the Department of Instrument Engineering, relations manager at ARASH Medical Company on "Experiments and installation of artificial respiration" aroused interest of the seminar attendees.

Mikail Huseynzadeh, biomechanical engineer of the Azerbaijan National Institute of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Naila Babayeva, a leading sports doctor, made reports. Later, the reports of other seminar participants were heard and questions were answered.

At the end, L. Bakirova stressed that our state and university highly appreciate science and innovation, as well as cooperation with other scientific institutions and expressed her gratitude to the participants.
