

News 02 Jun 2021
The spring semester exam session kicks off at ASOIU


The exam session of the spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic year has started at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) from June 1.

The exams will be conducted online in oral format. In this semester, a total of 8,550 bachelors and 1,000 master's students will take the exam at ASOIU.

1-3rd year full time students, 1-4th year part time students studying at the bachelor's degree, 1-year students studying at the master's degree (2nd year masters will defend their dissertations) will take the exam this semester. Also 4th-year students will take a state exam. Examinations will be conducted at the bachelor's degree in 28 specialties and at the master's degree in 60 specializations.

Notably, all necessary measures have been taken in order to organize the examination session at the university in accordance with the existing rules, to ensure transparency and objectivity in the assessment of students' knowledge. It should be noted that on the first day of the exams, 98% of students passed their exams successfully.

The exam session of the spring semester at ASOIU will last until July 2.




