

News 07 Jun 2021
ASOIU holds a presentation of the book "Society, personality, education, religion"

On June 7 the presentation of the book "Society, personality, education, religion" authored by MP, Doctor of Philosophy in Theology Jeyhun Mammadov was held at AzII E-Book House of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University  (ASOIU).

The event was attended by MP Jeyhun Mammadov, ASOIU;s Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, academic staff and students.

Making a speech at the event, Rector Mustafa Babanli expressed his gratitude to the author for preparing such a valuable resource. He noted that the book includes the traditions of statehood of Azerbaijan, the history of Azerbaijan in the new era, the activities of prominent personalities of the time. Noting that this refined  publication covers the history of religious education, the Armenian atrocities against our people and the achievements of the Azerbaijani army, Rector Mustafa Babanli stressed that the book is a valuable resource.

Making a speech, Salahat Mahmudova, Director of AzII E-Book House, Faig Aliyev, Associate Professor of Department of Humanities, noted that the new book included in the system of the AzII E-Book House is a valuable resource for readers, as well as for teachers, students and a wide audience.

At the end, MP Jeyhun Mammadovexpressed his gratitiude to the  attendees. He noted that each topic touched upon in the book was written on the basis of serious research and analysis. I hope it will be a very useful resource for our readers.
