

News 09 Jun 2021
ASOIU marks National Salvation Day

On June 9, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held an event dedicated to the National Salvation Day. The event that began with the national anthem was attended by the Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Member of Parliament, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Musa Gasimli, academic staff of the university and students.

Speaking about the importance of June 15 - National Salvation Day in the history of Azerbaijan, ASOIU's Rector, Professor M.Babanli underlined that if the main mission of salvation at that time was to save the modern Azerbaijani state from chaos, disintegration and occupation and ensure its development, last year the 44-day war and the glorious victory of our invincible army showed its main point. Noting that the rescue mission of national leader Heydar Aliyev was more valuable for the Azerbaijani people over the years, Rector Mustafa Babanli stressed that one of the most successful results of the liberation was to present Azerbaijan a far-sighted and determined leader like Ilham Aliyev. He noted that every Azerbaijani knows that the foundation of all the successes of today's developed Azerbaijan and our people began in 1993, and therefore this history will always live in the memory as the success of our people.

MP Musa Gasimli said that during the socio-political activity of national leader Heydar Aliyev, he always served the interests of the Azerbaijani people and the development of the Azerbaijani state. Recalling the situation in Azerbaijan at that time, the events and facts in chronological order, historian Musa Gasimli said that a new example of the state-building process emerged in our country by returning of national leader Heydar Aliyev to power in 1993. He added that starting from this unforgettable history, the foundation of a modern, democratic and invincible modern state of Azerbaijan, where the great powers will reckon, has been laid, and the basic principles of Azerbaijan's economic development have been established.

Later, Professor of the ASOIU's Department of Social studies Jamal Mustafayev spoke about the rich activity of Heydar Aliyev, the intense struggle for independence and development of Azerbaijan. He noted that as a teacher he proudly deliver to the new generation the great leader's rich experience of statehood, exemplary citizenship position and services to our people.
