

News 10 Jun 2021
ASOIU attends the 5th International Congress titled "3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Technologies and Digital Industry"

Collaborators and doctoral students of ASOIU's Department of "Instrument Engineering" attended the 5th International Congress titled "3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Technologies and Digital Industry" hosted by AKEV University of Turkey.

At the online event ASOIU's doctoral students Huseynov Samad, Bayramov Aladdin, Feyzili Ozal, degree candidates Bunyatova Elvira, master's students Mahammad Yusifov and Orkhan Aliyev made a speech. They were awarded certificates. Lala Bakirova, Head of the ASOIU's Department of "Instrument Engineering" Doctor of Technical Sciences, who leads the 7th section of the Congress, was awarded certificates for participation in the Congress and successful leadership.

The conference was also attended by ASOIU's degree candidate Allahverdiyeva Aytaj, a graduate of AzII, acting director of the Technopark functioning under the Western Caspian University Kalam Malikov and others.

Notably, Rector's assistants from AKEV, Isparta, Aydin Universities, Istanbul Yildiz Technical University and a number of other universities of Turkey, Professor Kerim Çetinkaya, Dr. Burhan Duman, Dr. Pinar Demircioglu and other employees took an active part at the II International Scientific-Practical Conference "MIMCS 20" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of ASOIU held on December 7-8, 2020 , organized by the department and the "International Scientific-Practical Seminar on Biomedical Engineering" held on May 31. The discussions focused on future joint educational and research work in accordance with the specialties, organization of joint seminars, conferences, as well as the establishment of close cooperation by involving research laboratories and firms in this work.

The International Congress, attended by employees of well-known Turkish and international companies and manufacturing sectors, lasted 3 days in 10 sections.
