

News 18 Jun 2021
UFAZ holds presentation of the book "From Southwestern Maguis to the First French Army" authored by Alexander Wattin

On June 18 the presentation of the book "From Southwestern Maguis to the First French Army" authored by Alexander Wattin, a writer, editor and historian who contributed to the development of Azerbaijan-France relations was held at the Azerbaijan-French University (UFAZ) functioning under Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

The event was attended by French writer, editor and historian Alexander Wattin, Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural action of the Embassy of France to Azerbaijan and Director of the French Institute in Azerbaijan (IFA) Jerrome Kelle, Ambassador of Morocco to Azerbaijan Mohamed Adil Embarch, representative of Foreign Ministry and book editor Gulnara Mammadova, UFAZ Executive Director Vazeh Askerov, as well as family members of the legendary partisan Ahmadiyya Jabrailov - daughter Almaz Jabrailova, son Chingiz Jabrailov, grandchildren and other guests.


Making a speech, Alexander Wattin, author of the book "From the Southwest Maguis to the First French Army", expressed his gratitude to the people who contributed to the book and UFAZ for hosting the event.

Legendary partisan A. Jabrailov's daughter A. Jabrailova also thanked the authors of the book and UFAZ, the organizer of the event. Speaking about her father's memories, Jabraylova noted that such book reflecting historical facts about Azerbaijan and at the same time the heroic sons of Azerbaijan and the facts exposing the Armenian forgery, is important.


At the event, the author of the book A. Wattin was awarded a certificate by UFAZ. At the same time, UFAZ Executive Director V. Askerova was awarded a medal by A. Wattin.


Notably, according to the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated August 11, 2020, the book is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the legendary partisan Ahmadiyya Mikayil oglu Jabrailov, a prominent representative of the anti-fascist resistance movement during the Second World War.

