

News 24 Jun 2021
ASOIU to cooperate with "Dashkasan Iron Ore" LLC in education and scientific-technical areas

On June 23 a cooperation agreement on support education and scientific and technical development has been signed between Azerbaijan State Oil and industry University (ASOIU) and "Dashkasan Iron Ore" LLC, the subsidiary company of “AzerGold” Closed Joint-Stock Company (CJSC).

 The agreement was signed by ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli and General Director of "Dashkasan Iron Ore" LLC Ogtay Mammadov.

The cooperation document aims to establish productive partnership ties in the study, research, exploration and development of ferrous metal deposits in the country, the application of new technologies in this area, modernization of material and technical base and the implementation of a number of measures to develop the mining industry.

According to the agreement, students who study in specialties relevant to mining engineering, geology, information technology will be involved in practical internship at "Dashkasan Iron Ore" LLC, Necessary conditions will be created for the scientific and technical staff of the university to conduct research in the fields of exploration and mining. At the same time, on the basis of the company's order, the university plans to train highly qualified and skilled personnel in relevant specialties, implement various measures to stimulate the activities of students and young scientific and technical specialists, create conditions for using the analytical laboratory services, material and technical base of the university.
