

News 07 Jul 2021
ASOIU holds online meeting of Academic Board


On July 6 the next online meeting of Academic Board was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Providing information to the meeting attendees about the issues on the agenda, ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli made made an annual report for the 2020/2021 academic year. He spoke about the admission statistics of the current academic year, indicators on the main areas of activity, as well as the results of the examination session, structural changes, also the work done in the direction to innovate education. Noting the steps taken to provide the use of modern technologies in the teaching process and qualitative teaching in English sectors, the rector M.Babanli spoke about the training of English, the application of e-university, the organization of IT courses, as well as scientific trips. In addition, Rector M.Babanli spoke about the provision of laboratories with modern equipment, establishment of web-distance auditoriums, and other intended reforms from the new academic year.

Afterwards, a number of issues arising from the reforms carried out at the university  have been discussed and reports heard. The innovations and changes carried out in accordance with the development of the university have been put to a public vote and approved.

After hearing and discussing the issues on the agenda, Rector Mustafa Babanli gave his recommendations on the work to be done and wished success to the acadmic staff of the university, characterizing each issue as a key factor in the future development of ASOIU.

