

News 15 Jul 2021
ASOIU kicks off "Professional" project under the motto "Learn a profession, do not stay unemployed"

The State Employment Agency launches the new "Professional" project. Within the framework of the project, launched under the motto "Learn a profession, do not stay unemployed", unemployed people and job-seekers will be trained professions that meet the requirements of the labor market and within the cooperation with various departments and organizations support will be provided for the employment of these people.

Within the framework of the "Professional" project such cooperation first time will be possible with Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). Thus, a joint training course on IT will be held in order to increase employment opportunities for family members of martyrs, veterans of the Great Patriotic War that ended with our great victory.

The courses will be organized at the Israel-Azerbaijan Training Center, established at the request of the State Employment Agency under ASOIU and supported by the Israeli-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Applicants will first be involved in basic trainings to determine their professional skills. Later on, during the 6-month course, the beneficiaries will be taught relevant knowledge in the field of IT. Within the project it is also intended to hold short-term trainings on social adaptation for participants to integrate into society.

Those who successfully complete the course will be presented an international certificate by the Training Center and will be provided with support for employment.

Those who want to join the project can register via the link below.







