

News 23 Jul 2021
AZII Book House donates 100 titles of books to the fund of libraries in the liberated regions

On July 23, in connection with the restoration of the book funds of libraries operating until the early 1990s in our territories liberated from Armenian occupation as a result of the 44-day war by the victorious Azerbaijani army under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, ASOIU's AZII Book House also joined the book collection campaign held jointly by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the National Library.

Director of ASOIU's AZII Book House Salahat Mahmudova stressed the importance of the holding "Book Collection Campaign for the Fund of Libraries in the Liberated Territories" initiated by the Ministry of Culture and the National Library and underlined that it was a commendable step to restore the new libraries. ASOIU's AZII Book House donated 120 copies of books in 100 titles to the fund of libraries in the liberated regions.
