

News 27 Jul 2021
UFAZ holds meeting with the representatives of the University of Oklahoma of USA

On July 26, the meeting with Runar Nygaard, Director of the School of Petroleum and Geology at the University of Oklahoma was held at the Azerbaijan French University (UFAZ) functioning under the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

The meeting was attended by Rafig Jamalov, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for International Relations, Rauf Aliyarov, Director of the Scientific Research Institute: "Geotechnological Problems of Oil, Gas and Chemistry" under ASOIU, Elman Isgandarov, dean of the ASOIU's Faculty of Oil and Gas Engineering, Vazeh Askerov, Executive Director at UFAZ, Ramina Murshudova, an Education specialist at the U.S Embassy in Azerbaijan and Latifa Nasibova, the head of the Education Department of UFAZ.  

Welcoming the guests, Vazeh Askerov provided information on ASOIU and UFAZ to the guests. He acquainted the guests with the history of the university and its teaching areas.

Noting that he visited Azerbaijan within the framework of the academic cooperation project between Ganja State Agrarian University and the University of Oklahoma, the guest said that the UFAZ experience will be useful for them in this direction. The meeting also featured discussion on perspectives for future cooperation between the University of Oklahoma and ASOIU.

