

News 30 Jul 2021
ASOIU's Rector meets with students who will continue their study at the University of Strasbourg

On July 30, the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) Professor Mustafa Babanli met with 5 master's students of UFAZ, who will continue their study at the University of Strasbourg.

The meeting was attended by UFAZ Executive Director Vazeh Askerov and Director of ASOIU's Marketing and Public Relations Department Bahruz Nazarov. 5 students studying in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the Azerbaijan-French University (UFAZ) functioning under ASOIU: Farah Askerkhanova, Hafiz Gahramanov, Aytaj Adilova, Ismail Alizade and Aynur Nagizade will continue their study in the 2nd year of master's degree at the University of Strasbourg, France.

Our students who will continue their study in France have achieved high results in the first year of master's degree and have been selected by the program leaders at the University of Strasbourg.

Farah Askerkhanova and Hafiz Gahramanov will continue their study in Chemistry and Informatics, while Aytaj Adilova, Ismail Alizade and Aynur Nagizade will continue their study in Physical and Analytical Chemistry.

At the meeting with the masters' students, Professor Mustafa Babanli stressed the "growing interest in hydrogen energy and alternative energy in a changing and developing world," noted that chemistry plays an important role in all this. The Rector of UFAZ noted that the specialties that they will study will be the first in Azerbaijan and will open new opportunities in this field in the future. Noting that ASOIU will always support them during their studies in Strasbourg, he called on students to learn the secrets of science deeply.

The Rector along with the study, also recommended students to be active in socio-political and cultural life during their stay in France. He noted that, along with studying abroad, each student is a representative of our Motherland.

The important issue that made an interest during the meeting was the return of students to Azerbaijan after completing their education abroad in relevant specialties, to engage in pedagogical and scientific activities, to continue their education at a higher levels and to serve their people as qualified specialists.

Then, Executive Director of the Azerbaijan-French University Vazeh Askerov expressed his gratitude to the Rector on behalf of UFAZ and students and thanked him for his support and attention to UFAZ.

Making a speech, students stressed that they will take advantage of this opportunity and expressed their satisfaction. Later, the Rector answered the students' questions and said that ASOIU will help them in solving technical and educational issues.

At the end, memorial photo with students and Mustafa Babanli was shot.

UFAZ plans to send several more second-year master's students to the University of Strasbourg in the second semester of the 2021-22 academic year to continue their study.
