

News 04 Aug 2021
ASOIU starts the interview stage of those who apply for IT courses

“Peşə öyrən, işsiz qalma!” devizi ilə həyata keçirilən “Peşəkar” layihəsi çərçivəsində Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti (ADNSU) nəzdində təsis edilən İsrail-Azərbaycan Təlim Mərkəzi ilə birgə təşkil olunan İT kurslarının seçim mərhələsi başlayıb. At this stage, there was an initial acquaintance with the candidates, the discussions were held on their wishes and expectations of the project.

The selections was attended by the families of martyrs and veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Applicants will then be involved in basic trainings in order to determine their professional skills. Later on, during the 6-month course, the beneficiaries will be taught relevant knowledge in the field of IT. 

Those who successfully complete the course will be presented an international certificate by the Training Center and within the project those who received the certificate will be provided with support for employment by the partners

The courses will be organized at the Israel-Azerbaijan Training Center established under the ASOIU on the order of the State Employment Service.

Those who want to join the project can register via the link below.



