

News 13 Aug 2021
ASOIU's Rector calls application of innovations in education the main condition for training highly qualified personnel

On August 13, the Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli attended the round table held within the framework of the traditional startup festival "Sikorsky Challenge 2021" (Sikorsky Challenge) organized by the National Technical University of Ukraine in Kiev. At the round table with the participation of the Mykola Kyzym, the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about the application of innovations in education, especially in higher education in Azerbaijan and the successes achieved in this direction. . Stressing the importance of the application of innovations in education, Rector M.Babanli brought to the attention of the roundtable participants the experience gained by ASOIU in this field. Noting that the importance of organizing higher education in Azerbaijan at a level that meets the challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution, he underlined that ASOIU has already started teaching artificial intelligence, transfer technologies, classical technical specialties in symbiosis with IT. Rector M.Babanli stressed that the university's development strategy for 2020-2030 has been prepared in order to organize the process of training specialists who meet the requirements of modern and near-future industry in a planned and consistent manner. Noting that the challenges of modern times pose the same tasks for the higher education institutions of all countries, he emphasized the importance of strengthening cooperation between universities around the world in this area. Noting the high importance of the traditional 10th Sikorsky Challenge 2021 festival organized by the National Technical University of Ukraine and a round table held within the festival titled "Innovation in Education", the discussions held in terms of organizing education in accordance with the challenges of the new period, he expressed his gratitude to the organizers.
