

News 13 Aug 2021
ASOIU signs a memorandum of cooperation with Dnipro National Technical University

A memorandum of cooperation has been signed between the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and the Dnipro National Technical University (DNTU) in Kiev. The event held at the Azerbaijani Embassy in Ukraine was attended by Ambassador Elmira Akhundova, ASOIU's Rector Mustafa Babanli and DNTU Rector Alexander Azyukovsky.

At the opening of the ceremony, Ambassador Elmira Akhundova noted the development of relations between the two countries in the field of education and science, as well as in other areas. She stressed that mutual visits and a joint meeting of experts of the two countries are planned in the near future.

Azyukovskiy underlined that the development of science and involving young people in science are their main priorities at the university he leads: "Azerbaijan has a very deep experience in the oil industry. We would like to share this experience with you. At the same time, we are interested in the mutual exchange of our academic staff and students.

According to Mustafa Babanli, the university is ready to send its scientists to Ukrainian universities in order to deliver lectures: "We also would like to invite your scientists to deliver lectures in the fields we need."

M.Babanli said that the field of science and education in Azerbaijan, as well as at the university led by him, continues its dynamic development: "We are doing our best to give priority to innovative educational programs. One of the main priorities of our President is to turn Azerbaijan into an international innovative hub as an international transport hub". In this regard, we would like to have not only bilateral relations but also international, " he added. Then the Azerbaijani Rector provided information about a number of future mutual projects.

The event was also attended by the director of the scientific and technical library of DNTU, Gennady Onishenko, head of the Azerbaijani Cultural Center in Dnepr, second secretary of the embassy Samir Allahverdiyev. At the end, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the two universities.
