

News 01 Sep 2021
ASOIU student won 11th gold medal for Azerbaijan at the XVI Summer Paralympic Games "Tokyo 2020"


Our Paralympian Vali Israfilov, a student of ASOIU, won the 11th gold medal for Azerbaijan at the 16th Summer Paralympic Games "Tokyo-2020". V. Israfilov overcame all his rivals at a distance of 100 meters breaststroke with a score of 1 minute 04.86 seconds and became the champion of the Paralympic Games. Our representative also set a Paralympic record with this result.

Recall that Vali Israfilov won a gold medal at the World Para Swimming European Championships, Madeira, Portugal on the 19th of May, 2021, and won a license for the "Tokyo-2020" Summer Paralympic Games. Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the Paralympic champion on June 1. Congratulating him, he noted that the university is always ready to support its students in every field. Student-athlete V. Israfilov expressed his gratitude to Professor Mustafa Babanli and his teachers for acceptance, as well as for their valuable recommendations and special attention. He stressed that this meeting was a special motivation for him to achieve his next goal.

