

News 02 Sep 2021
The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the First Vice President congratulate Veli Israfilov on becoming Paralympic champion

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the First Vice President congratulated Veli Israfilov on becoming a Paralympic champion.

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev congratulated Veli Israfilov, who won a gold medal at the XVI Summer Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020. The head of state shared this on Twitter. "I sincerely congratulate our gold medalist Vali Israfilov on his convincing victory!"

First Vice-President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva also shared a publication in connection with another gold medal won at the Tokyo 2020 Summer Paralympic Games.

"Our athlete Vali Israfilov won the next, 11th gold medal for our country at the Tokyo 2020 Summer Paralympic Games. I sincerely congratulate the youngest champion of Azerbaijan who has renewed the Paralympic record, I wish all members of our national team strength, energy, new achievements, and victories! "

Recall that Vali Israfilov is a third-year student of the 510.19 group of the Faculty of Energy of ASOIU.
