

News 08 Sep 2021
UFAZ holds an Orientation Day for first-year students

On September 8, the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) under Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held an Orientation Day with the students entered this year.

Greeting the participants, Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli first congratulated them on their admission. Noting that studying at UFAZ is difficult and honorable, the Rector informed about the joint management of the University of Strasbourg and ASOIU. Noting that UFAZ students will also receive student cards from the University of Strasbourg, Rector M. Babanli said that this document would enable them to use the University of Strasbourg library online and other benefits.

UFAZ Executive Director, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov informed the students about the rules of education in a pandemic.

UFAZ Secretary-General Elizaveta Bydanova gave an overview of classes and extracurricular activities.

Afterward, UFAZ staff and permanent foreign teachers provided students with detailed information about the teaching process at UFAZ, internal rules, teaching staff, practical and theoretical lessons, use of laboratories, assessment, exams, and organization of youth leisure-time activities.

In the 2021-2022 academic year, 140 people were admitted to the bachelor's degree of UFAZ. 40 of them will study Computer Science, 40 - Chemical Engineering, 30 - Oil and Gas Engineering, and 30 - Geology and Geophysical Engineering.

Bachelor's degree at UFAZ is 4 years. UFAZ graduates will receive two diplomas (University of Strasbourg or Rennes 1 and ASOIU).
