

News 16 Sep 2021
ASOIU Rector meets with second-year students

On September 15, the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the second-year students of the university.  The meeting was held taking into account all the necessary instructions (keeping social distance and following hygiene rules) set by the Ministry of Education to prevent the spread of the disease during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. At the beginning of the meeting with the participation of students of the Geological Exploration and Oil and Gas Production Faculties, were honored with a minute of silence the memory of the Patriotic War martyrs who sacrificed their lives for territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Then, Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli informed the students about the conditions created to start studying in the traditional form at the university from September 29. Giving information about the positive results achieved in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic in the country, Rector Babanli stressed the importance of high-speed vaccination against the virus in the country. Noting that the ASOIU faculty and students actively participated in the vaccination process, Rector M. Babanli spoke about the work done at the university to return to traditional education, without endangering the health of students and teachers - regular disinfection, measuring the temperature of everyone at the entrance, placement hand sanitizer on each floor, organization of the educational process concerning social distance, etc. Professor M. Babanli also informed the students about the work done to improve the quality of education in the current academic year. In conclusion, answering students' questions, Rector M. Babanli wished success to all students in the new academic year.
