

News 17 Sep 2021
ASOIU signs a memorandum with International Eco-Energy Academy

President of the International Eco-Energy Academy, Professor Fagan Aliyev, and a group of representatives of the Academy met with the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli. During the meeting, Rector Mustafa Babanli informed the guests about the successes in recent years, the problems and tasks of the ASOIU. According to him, the exchange of views shows that cooperation with the International Eco-Energy Academy will bring positive results for both the university and the academy.

Stressing the exceptional role of ASOIU in the training of engineers and the development of technical science in the country, President of the International Eco-Energy Academy Fagan Aliyev expressed his pride in returning to the former fame of the university. He further noted the importance of cooperation with ASOIU. After discussing the prospects for bilateral cooperation between the academy and the university, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed.

During the meeting, Professor Fagan Aliyev presented the Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control, Associate Professor Farid Agayev with the diploma “Honorary Professor” of technical sciences of the International Eco-Energy Academy.
